Pricing Structures
Yana RobertsonWhen I first started Pure Venatic my only goal was to bring wearable art (leggings) to the ladies that love to hunt, fish, and forage. I wanted to give them a quality product at an affordable price that FEELS GREAT! 👖❤
For those of ya that have been following the progression of Pure Venatic, let me first give you a huge online hug and say THANKS! 🤗
Pricing is always a headache for me, if I could I would just give all my designs and garments away for free, so all the folks could enjoy. However I am unable to do so. I live and operate off-the-grid and not using my creative brain to make a living just isn't an option.
Since some folks have been shall we say, less-than-nice about the cost of the product and I'd like to take a moment to address that.
First let me be clear that the QUALITY of fabric that we print my art on MUST BE TOP NOTCH. There will be no see-thru leggings being sold here.
The answer is pretty simple, the more technical the design the higher the cost.
In the market, you will see lower quality product at a higher cost. Now, I'm not going to pick on these designers, but I know for a fact that NOBODY WANTS SEE THRU LEGGINGS, yet I'm watching folks spend $100+ for lower quality fabrics with graphics that would seriously take me 10 minutes to design. Yet complain to me that my prices are too high... I don't get it! Seriously, why?
I'm very lucky in fact that I can wear multiple hats and be the owner, graphic designer, marketing manager, customer service ninja, model, photographer, videographer, creative consultant and fashion designer to name a few. Since I do it all myself (except the actual sewing of the product nowadays) I can cut out some of the costs say for the designer (aka me). If I actually paid myself at the going rate I should charge myself, I would have to charge a lot more for the product.
So going forward, pricing structure will be determined on the amount of design work that goes into the product along with the quality of materials we are printing the designs on.
By restructuring the pricing and actually paying the designer (and other collaborators in the future) Pure Venatic will be able to bring more designs and awesome products to you, our feral friends!
Thanks again everyone for the support and understanding during this awesome growing phase in the business! Get ready for some badass designs....they are on the way!
Thanks everyone!!!!