New Collection: Bison Lumination
To honor legends of the American landscape. We owe it all to the Bison, their sacrifice gave way to the world we are enjoying today.

10% of net profits go back to the National Bison Range, which was established with the aid of The American Bison Society in 1908.
About the Design
This design features a herd of Bison and their trusty Magpie bird friends on a landscape where the mountains meet the plains. The moon rises high behind the majestic peaks dancing with the stars, in a blue-grey sky that twinkles with topography.
I really wanted to name this collection Bison Lunamination...to blend Luna (moon) and Illumination (light reflection)....but that is too tricky to say. So Bison Lumination it is! I hope you all enjoy the design as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Thank you, Bison for all you did for us humans.